Monday 14 November 2016

Analysing the Other Group's Video

What are you analysing?

Today, we are looking at action within dance. Now, for this the groups were split. In my group, Tilly, Keavy and Summer. The other group; Holly, Dionne, Anthony and Luke.

Previously, I uploaded my group's video, which the other group then has to analyse. I, on the other hand, have to analyse that group's video, which can be found here. So, I've been told to just look at th
e actions that I can see in the group's work.

So, I'll just bullet point what they do, and then go into more detail:

  • The group begin with stillness
  • They then put one foot in front of the other
  • The group do a half turn
  • The group then crouch
  • They then roll onto the floor
  • They are still
  • The group do another roll
  • They go back up into a kneel
  • Luke and Anthony do a quarter turn and then go into a roll
  • Dionne and Holly are still
  • Luke and Anthony stand up straight, which then leads into a run behind the two to create a square
  • They all do a full turn
  • Then, they all do a waving gesture
  • Another full turn s performed
  • The group end in a half jump to face the audience.
I quite enjoyed watching their performance, and on a not so action-y level, I also enjoyed the different levels and shapes the group made with their bodies. It was interesting stuff! Now, I don't think from my bullet points above that I could recreate their dance. But, at least now we know the actions that take place in the dance.

So, when we begin to look at the other aspects of RADS, I know that I can at least identify the Actions that take place.

Maybe one day my knowledge will be so vast I could describe any dance in immense detail...

... Or I could just use Labanotation.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Jess the dance vocabulary is coming- keep using your notes from class to be even more specific when describing a movement. For example what type of turn... switch, turn, cross, open etc.


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