Wednesday 7 December 2016


Motifs! stofim! sfitom!

Motifs are a phrase of dance that is performed in a piece. Motif development is when the motif is changed in different ways and then repeated throughout the piece in this way.

This is the dance I and Summer created in our motif lesson... can you spot the motif?

The image below shows different ways that we can develop our motifs. We followed these in our lessons in pairs as we developed the motifs that we had learnt from Ghost Dance by Christopher Bruce.

Developing our motifs

I worked with Dionne in order to develop three of the six motifs we had spent time on learning. We chose to do Anthony, Holly and Luke's motifs, as these were, in our opinion, the best ones to develop. We changed the timing of Luke's motif to make it slower, which then changed the dynamic also. The then changed the level of Holly's motif in a way that made it lower down, thus seeming more sinister. Then, with Anthony's motif, we decided to add a lift and then make it flow lighter. The video below shows you I and Dionne's motif development.

1 comment:

  1. Love the titles.

    Discuss how you developed the motifs and add in the new material from today with yourself and Dionne please.


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